Saturday, 30 January 2010


Watch live streaming video from metaworld2 at

Yes - it's here. The pilot episode filmed on Friday 29th January and recorded here for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy.

Pilot Show

Yesterday saw the Pilot air Live both in Second Life and also over on Metaworld2
Hosted by Malburns Writer and co-hosted by Slim Warrior we would like to express
our many thanks to our wonderful guests Mr Crap Mariner, Lauren Weyland and Joel Savard.

The conversation flowed smoothly with the subject of Avatars United, Seating Poses discussed in great detail.
We had a wonderful audience both in-world and on Livestream and the feedback was very positive.

The actual show will run at a slightly earlier time on Fridays each week in Menorca with a variety of guests. Check back here or on our twitter account for the updated times.

Each week we will also run a Caption competition here on the blog with a random photo chosen. The weeks winner will be announced live on the show the following week.

If you would like to participate as a guest please contact Slim Warrior, Malburns Writer, Dousa Dragonash inworld.

Grumpy Old Avatars on Twitter


Thursday, 28 January 2010

Grumpy Town

Watch live streaming video from metaworld2 at

A little teaser while you wait for the first show.

Tuesday, 26 January 2010


Why hasn't anyone posted yet?
Why was I born?
Why do people always tell you they have done something you were supposed to do, when you have just done it?
Why can't they tell you before you do it?
Why is it called passive agressive?
Why aren't people just passive?

Wednesday, 20 January 2010


Welcome to the blog for a rather different kind of TV show. Expect the unexpected as regulars and guests are put on the spot live every week with a starting topic chosen randomly from a member of the audience. Feel free to post comments and join the conversation. Or just give us your own rant. Follow us on Twitter too.